Online Booking Form

PLEASE NOTE* Applications are also accepted by post.

Please fill in the online form below , you will receive an email confirmation that the on-line application has been received. You will be contacted directly if spaces are still available.

Cancellation Details:
€150.00 of the booking deposit will be refunded subject to written cancellation of the booking on/by August 16th for 1st year students. After August 16th deposit is non-refundable.

All other students

€150 of the deposit will be refunded subject to written cancellation of the booking on /by  6th June 2025. After June 6th deposit is non-refundable. All deposits and rent paid cannot be refunded if a resident moves into an apartment and then leaves before the end of the Accommodation Contract.

Payment Details:

Full payment details will be issued on receipt of application.

Your Details